Tuesday, December 13, 2011

4-Wheeler + Snow Drifts + Mary = Disaster

Whelp, I'm back to training dogs with a 4-wheeler. 
I am now running them on the road out side of town where drifts of snow are not as big a problem ... annnnnd the snow machine I was using kind of, sort of, maybe temporarily "lost" its brakes.

It's getting to the road from the dog lot that has posed a problem for me.

Yesterday, I got the 4-wheeler good and stuck in a snow drift that formed right along the road when I was taking a team out to train. Took three guys to help me get that 4-wheeler out.

Today, I tried a different path from the dog lot to the road, but alas! I still found myself stuck in a drift. It only took one guy to help me out this time though.

So hopefully by tomorrow I'll get it down and won't find myself stuck in another snow drift ... I can't play 'damsel in distress' forever ; )

My team and I training on the road outside of town - snow drift free!
Two puppies joined us (those are the loose dogs you see in the photo)


  1. Looks like great fun Mary. Thanks for doing this. It's great that a Texas boy gets to see stuff like this!

    Scott Jenkins

  2. Mary
    ammm...What are the leaders doing so close to the 4 wheeler?
